2024/9/20:One paper accepted to TIP! Congratulations to Yuyan Liu!
2024/9/20:Two papers accepted to TGRS! Congratulations to Jiaqi Zou and Xiao An!
2024/9/15:One paper accepted to ISPRS Journal! Congratulations to Mofan Cheng!
2024/9/15: One accepted to TGRS! Congratulations to Yong Chen!
2024/9/15:One paper (TGRS) has been recognized as the ESI highly cited paper (Top 1%)!
2024/8/1: One accepted to Sustainable Cities and Society! Congratulations to Linxin Li!
2024/6/10: Two papers accepted to Information Fusion! Congratulations to He Huang!
2024/6/10: One paper accepted to TGRS! Congratulations to Jiaxin Sun!
2024/4/15: I was nominated as the Topical Associate Editor of the TGRS
2024/4/15: I was nominated as the associate editor of the GRSS Section in IEEE Access
2024/4/15: I was nominated as the young editorial member of <测绘学报>
2024/4/5: I was nominated as the best reviewer of TGRS2023!
2024/4/5: One paper accepted to CVPR poster (highlight,11.9%)! Congratulations to Zhuohong LI!
2024/4/1: We won the double champions of IEEE GRSS DFC2024 (both two tracks)! Congratulations to Jiepan Li and He Huang!
2024/4/1: One paper accepted to Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies! Congratulations to Guoyin Yin!
2024/4/1: One paper accepted to JAG! Congratulations to Yu Xia!
2024/4/1: One paper accepted to ISPRS Journal! Congratulations to Man Liu!
2024/2/4: One paper accepted to TGRS! Congratulations to Jiepan Li!
2024/1/8: One paper accepted to TIP! Congratulations to Yong Chen!
2024/1/8: Two papers accepted to TGRS! Congratulations to Yong Chen and Yu Xia!
2023/12/24: One paper accepted to Field Crops Research! Congratulations to Xiaobin Xu!
2023/12/19: One paper accepted to JAG! Congratulations to Xiaobin Xu!
2023/10/21: One paper accepted to ISPRS! Congratulations to Yujun Guo!
2023/10/7: One paper accepted to ISPRS! Congratulations to Xiangyu LIU!
2023/10/2: Two papers accepted to TGRS! Congratulations to Lei HU and Yuyan LIU!
2023/8/29: One paper accepted to Earth System Science Data! Congratulations to Zhuohong Li!
2023/05/19: One paper (IEEE JSTARS) has been recognized as the ESI highly cited paper (Top 1%)!
2023/4/18: One paper accepted to Computers and Electronics in Agriculture! Congratulations to Xiangyu Liu!
2023/4/18: One paper accepted to IEEE GRSL! Congratulations to Mengyuan Wang!
2023/1/17: One co-author paper accepted to IEEE TGRS!
2023/1/17: One co-author paper accepted to IEEE TNNLS!
2022/11/11: One paper (IEEE TGRS) has been recognized as the ESI highly cited paper (Top 1%)!
2022/9/05: Two co-author papers accepted to IEEE TGRS!
2022/8/13: One co-author paper accepted to IEEE TGRS!
2022/7/14: One paper (TPAMI) have been recognized as the ESI highly cited paper (Top 1%)!
2022/7/14: One paper accepted to ECCV!
2022/7/6: One co-author paper accepted to IEEE JSTARS!
2022/5/13: One paper (IEEE GRSM) has been recognized as the ESI highly hot paper (Top 0.1%)!
2022/5/13: two papers (IEEE GRSM; IEEE TGRS) have been recognized as the ESI highly cited paper (Top 1%)!
2022/4/30: I was promoted as the IEEE Senior Member.
2022/3/15: One paper accepted to TGRS.
2022/3/11: One paper (IEEE TGRS) has been recognized as the ESI highly cited paper (Top 1%)!
2021/11/12: One paper (IEEE TGRS) has been recognized as the ESI highly cited paper (Top 1%)!
2021/09/13: One paper accepted to TGRS.
2021/09/02: One paper accepted to TGRS.
2021/08/28: One paper accepted to PR.
2021/08/02: One paper accepted to TIP.